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How to Conduct a Successful Board Election

The board elections are an essential element of growing your business economically and socially and ensuring solid governance. Competitive elections with high voter participation will prevent a monopoly in power by ensuring the board is diverse in its expertise, experience and interests to best meet the needs of the company.

Bylaws of your organization provide guidelines and legal requirements regarding how you conduct board votes. They often specify the number of votes required to elect a candidate and what positions require a vote, and how the terms of office may be removed, added or changed.

In the majority of membership-based organizations the board is regularly voted on issues such as membership levels and dues. The primary role of the board is to ensure that the organization runs efficiently and with integrity.

A successful board election should include voting, nominations for a nominations’ committee and training to help new members get up to speed. The process is a fantastic way to build trust and engagement with your members, as well as showing your governance skills.

It is vital that the nominating committee be attentive to the membership list and ensure that each candidate meets the requirements for the office. If a candidate is elected, but later discovers they aren’t able to serve, the board will have to hold another election. This can be avoided by requesting anyone who has realized that they are unable to serve to be removed from nomination at the nominating committee meeting.

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